Why partner with us?

As a local community-based organization, collaborating with us can enhance the breadth and depth of participation by community residents in local decision-making to end youth unemployment and fight poverty.

We aim at building strong alliances that make sustainable change Possible. We are working to scale-up our impact to bring millions of Deaf and Disabled people out of unemployment and poverty every day.

That brings the commitment of individuals, companies, organisations and foundations, aligned with singular focus of helping struggling Deaf and disabled people turn their lives around. When we work with like-minded groups towards the same goal, we can achieve even more.

Partnership is a mutual beneficial relationship, for IIN it means funding, support, increased visibility of our work in fighting unemployment and poverty. For you our Partners, it means the chance to make a Real & Direct Local Social Impact, and increased market outreach and advancement of standards of livings of people’s lives.

Become an important part of our mission. If you have a specific area of interest among our areas of operation, please get in touch, and let’s begin the conversation.

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